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General Info

Days at TAP Boarding Camps for the Performing Arts are chock-full as students rotate on a tight schedule of classes, activities and rehearsals for the final showcase. You'll never be bored at camp and you'll love every minute of it. While we enjoy the standard camp fare of marshmallow roasting and water balloon fights, the real excitement comes when students discover the joy of creation and the thrill of success. Here we strive for excellence through an artistic program where students are actively encouraged to find the place where process meets product.

Wanna See What Happens at TAP Camp? Check out this NEW video...

Thanks Dustin Gooch for such an amazing video!

Outstanding teach­ing, direc­tion, and per­for­mance expe­ri­ences enhance skill, encour­age coöper­a­tive work, and nur­ture self-​confidence.

College pro­fes­sors join regional and national work­ing artists as we strive for excel­lence through an artis­tic pro­gram where stu­dents are actively encour­aged to find the place where process meets product.

Camp Philosophy

Accept the Challenge
Texas Arts Project strives to cre­ate the “com­plete artist.” Junior Campers get a taste of singing, act­ing, and danc­ing. Senior Campers choose a “major” field of study, and have oppor­tu­ni­ties to engage in courses and activ­i­ties in all other majors. Campers try new things as they strengthen the skills in their com­fort area while expand­ing their hori­zons in all other dis­ci­plines. Individual atten­tion along with high expec­ta­tions for the group, encour­age per­sonal respon­si­bil­ity and teamwork.

Discover the Process
The study of any sub­ject begins with the basics and the per­form­ing arts at TAP camp are no dif­fer­ent. Campers actively study the nuts and bolts of each field of study — from act­ing tech­niques and musi­cal the­atre his­tory to film edit­ing and body con­di­tion­ing. Only through inti­mate aware­ness with our field can we prop­erly work towards our great­est potential.

Realize Your Potential
At TAP camp, we never lose sight of the final goal. Showcase rehearsals require campers to inte­grate their tech­nique with strong per­for­mance skills. Film shoots and hours in the edit­ing stu­dio keep our film­mak­ers guided towards the final prod­uct. Our rig­or­ous rehearsal and prepa­ra­tion process ensures a feel­ing of accom­plish­ment and per­sonal suc­cess with each and every camper as they take their final bow or watch their last cred­its roll.

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