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This list is kind of absurdly long. And really fun. Sure, we're gonna work hard and learn a lot, but there aren't many places that boast activities like weekly dodgeball games and a Spam Cook-Off! C'mon!

What do we do for fun at Camp?

Thanks to Katie McDowell for our awesome new videos!

As a break from the intense hours of train­ing here at TAP camp, the stu­dents are offered vary­ing activ­i­ties that are just plain sum­mer fun. Listed are a few exam­ples of our pre­vi­ous activities…


Campers have free time to swim in the St. Stephen’s pool twice a week

Watermelon Carving
Campers carve and eat water­melon. It is Halloween in June and inevitably becomes a messy, sticky, fun fruit fight.

Arm Wrestling
Campers enjoy a highly spir­ited arm wrestling competition

Jewelry Making
Make neck­laces, bracelets and much more.

Kite Flying
Take advan­tage of the beau­ti­ful St. Stephen’s cam­pus as you fly kites

Indoor Rock Climbing
Campers have the unique oppor­tu­nity to use the indoor rock wall with the guided assis­tance of St. Stephen’s climb­ing faculty

Finger Painting
Get messy and paint with your fingers

Indoor Rock Climbing in the Clayton Gym on St. Stephen’s Campus


Cabaret Nights
Once a week campers have the oppor­tu­nity to show off their per­sonal tal­ents for the whole camp. In the past, campers have done stand up com­edy, sung songs, played piano, per­formed inter­pre­tive dances, read orig­i­nal poetry, showed off art­work, and much more.

Dodge Ball
Campers love a late night game of dodge ball in the gym after a hard day of classes and rehearsals.

Camp Fire
Campers and coun­selors sit around camp fire telling ghost sto­ries and mak­ing tra­di­tional s’mores.

Movie Nights
Campers get together to eat bar-​b-​que or pizza and watch movies on the big screen in Hines Hall.

Weekly Dodgeball games are a favorite night­time activity


Theatrical Outings
Campers see at least two pro­fes­sional per­for­mances in Austin. Previous years, campers have seen national tours at Bass Concert Hall in Austin and The Majestic Theatre in San Antonio, new plays at Austin’s Off Center and The Alley Theatre in Houston, and musi­cals at St. Edward’s University, Zachary Scott Theatre and the Historic Paramount Theatre.

The Spam Cook-​Off
A St. Stephen’s tra­di­tion, the spam cook-​off remains a mem­o­rable expe­ri­ence for all campers.

Barton Springs
Campers get to go swim­ming in Austin’s own man­made pool.

Campers at Zilker Park dur­ing the Barton Springs trip

Camp Carnival
Turn the gym­na­sium into a car­ni­val with face paint­ing, pie con­tests, Karaōke and games.

Iron TAP
Join the camp-​long com­pe­ti­tion that involves trivia, bat­tle of the air bands, scav­enger hunts, field events and more.