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Senior Camp (Ages 14-18)

Camp Philosophy

Accept the Challenge

Texas Arts Project strives to create the “com­plete artist.” Junior Campers get a taste of singing, acting, and dancing. Senior Campers choose a “major” field of study, and have oppor­tu­nities to engage in courses and activ­ities in all other majors. There is an expec­tation that all campers try new things as they strengthen the skills in their comfort area and learn to enjoy expanding their horizons in all other areas. Individual attention along with high expec­ta­tions for the group encourage per­sonal respon­si­bility and teamwork.

Discover the Process

The study of any subject begins with the basics and the per­forming arts at TAP camp are no dif­ferent. Campers vig­or­ously study the nuts and bolts of each field of study — from acting tech­niques and musical theatre history to film editing and body con­di­tioning. Only through intimate awareness with our field can we properly work towards our greatest potential.

Realize Your Potential

At TAP camp, we never lose sight of the final goal. Showcase rehearsals require campers to inte­grate their tech­nique with strong per­for­mance skills. Film shoots and hours in the editing studio keep our film­makers guided towards the final product. Our rig­orous rehearsal and prepa­ration process ensures a feeling of accom­plishment and per­sonal success with each and every as they take their final bow or watch their last credits roll.

Typical Daily Schedule

8am-8:45am Work Out/Warm-Up
8:45am-9:30am Breakfast
9:30am-12pm Technique Classes
12:00 – 12:30pm Lunch
12:30-1pm Dorm Time
1 – 3:30pm Technique Classes
3:30-5pm All Camp Rehearsal
5-6pm Camp Activity
6-7pm Dinner
7-10pm Rehearsal/Practicum
10-11pm Twice Weekly Nighttime Activities
10pm-11:30pm Dorm time and lights out (depending on the evening)

Schedule of Important Dates

Friday, May 19: Deadline for tuition balance

Sunday, June 3

3pm-4pm: Check In
4:15pm-4:45pm: Parent Orientation
4:45pm-6pm: Camper Orientation
6pm-7pm: Dinner (first meal served)
7pm-10pm: Camper Activity
10pm: Dorm Meetings
11pm: Lights Out

Sunday, June 10
10am-1pm: Parent Visitation

Sunday, June 17 (Father’s Day)
10am-1pm: Parent Visitation

Saturday, June 23
5:30pm: Final Showcase
(Please make arrange­ments so that the campers may stay for the final night of camp. Check-out is on Sunday.)

7pm: Reception

7:30pm: Campers begin strike and clean up

Sunday, June 24
1pm-2pm: Film Screenings
2pm-3pm: Check-Out

Don't forget to check out...