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Technical Theatre and Design

June 12 - July 3

TAP Senior Camp

I thought that the show went together very well. I also enjoyed how we got to con­tribute to it. Truthfully, it made me want to do theater again. Kenny (Age 16) Technical Theatre Major 2008


In one of the only pro­grams of its kind for young theatre pro­fes­sionals, TAP stu­dents will learn the latest tech­nologies as they create set models, light plots and costume ren­derings. With equal emphasis on cre­ative explo­ration and tech­nical skill we work towards the final showcase where the talents of our amazing stu­dents meet real-world expe­rience in the prepa­ration for the final showcase.


The stu­dents spend their mornings in design classes, learning about scenery and costume design from concept to cre­ation. Students create set models and engage in costume design projects.

Course Descriptions

Costume Design
Students examine the equipment, ter­mi­nology, and tech­nical skills required to create cos­tumes for dra­matic pro­duc­tions. Emphasis is on the ele­ments of design, including the concept, tools, fabric selection and rendering/presentation.

Scenic Design
In this overview of concept cre­ation, cre­ative thinking and prac­tical skills, stu­dents will gain a basic knowledge of the tools and plans nec­essary to create ground­breaking the­atrical designs.

Scenic Construction
Starting from the beginning stu­dents gain prac­tical knowledge of mate­rials, ter­mi­nology and tech­nical skills, including wood, metal and rigging skills.

Stage Makeup
This class covers the basics used to create a variety of char­acter looks, including youth, old age and char­acter odd­ities. As class time permits, spe­cialty makeup appli­ca­tions may also be explored, including fantasy and injury makeup.

Stage Management
This course is an overview of all of the stage manager respon­si­bil­ities and an intro­duction to the tech­niques used to be a suc­cessful stage manager. This course will cover prompt scripts, rehearsal reports, cast lists, blocking notation and the notation and calling of lighting, sound and scenery cues during performance.

Lighting Design
Let there be light! Through the study of elec­trical theory, color theory, control systems, equipment, ter­mi­nology and tech­nical skills, stu­dents will learn the basic neces­sities of lighting for a stage per­for­mance. Course empha­sizes aes­thetics and inter­pre­tation and lighting as an art form and its effect upon other aspects of theatre. Drafting as it relates to the com­pletion of lighting plots and the asso­ciated paperwork will be taught, as will the reading of light plots and paperwork with a focus on patching, hanging and focusing.

Sound Design and System Application
Sound design is a rel­a­tively new addition to the pro­fes­sional require­ments for the­atrical events. Campers will be intro­duced to new equipment, as well as develop an under­standing of the basic require­ments of sound tech­niques and equipment. Coursework will include spe­cific study on how to design a sound system, select equipment to meet spe­cific appli­cation require­ments and execute the design. Participants will also look at the process of the­atrical sound design and appli­cation, including spe­cialty topics such as building sound effects.

Technical Theatre Majors have the oppor­tunity to tour the inner workings of Bass Concert Hall, the largest theatre venue in Austin. These stu­dents may also take make-up classes with David Valdes. David is a master at make-up for the stage. Beginners take the basics while more advanced stu­dents learn old age and scarring methods. Guest artists may be brought in for special topics such as Stage Combat, Resume Creation, Film Acting, etc.

While per­for­mance majors are rehearsing for the final showcase, Technical Theatre majors are either acting as stage man­agers for various rehearsals, building and painting scenery or working on tech­nical aspects of film production.

Students work with Larry Lehew to design lights and sound for the cabaret per­for­mances and for the final showcase. They also assist in designing, building and painting the set. The stu­dents each take on a crew position for the show including, but not limited to: light board operator, sound board operator, multi-media operator and spot­light operator. The tech­nical theatre stu­dents all perform in at least one piece in the final showcase.

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